Project overview
How to strip old paint from garden furniture - Video Guide
If you want a more in depth walk through of how to strip old paint from your garden furniture, check out this video.
What you’ll need:
- Garden furniture stripper
- Pallet knife
- Brush
First things first, you need to choose a warm and dry day.
Once you’ve picked the right day, you’ll need to dust down your furniture to make sure there’s no dirt.
If there are bits of paint that you don’t want to remove, protect it with a dustsheet.
Apply the stripper
Grab your brush and put a generous amount of Garden Furniture Stripper on your piece of furniture. Put the kettle on, have a cup of tea and wait half an hour for the stripper to do its job. It won’t blister or fizz but trust us, it’s working.
Start stripping
Use something sharp, like a pallet knife, and scrape away a small patch of paint. If it comes away easily then you’re ready to go.
Give your furniture a good scrub in both directions to loosen up the paint. Keep adding small amounts of water and scrubbing until all the paint is gone. If there are parts you can’t reach then use a pallet knife to remove the excess paint.
Once you’ve finished, rinse it all off with some cold water and your furniture will be ready to protect.